Start Your Adventure Today!
You are just a few steps away from the protection you deserve!

You have found your next toy at a dealership,

The dealership is partnered with DealerPlan,

You’re ready for DealerPlan to finance your next adventure!
Should you have any questions, regarding the application or our financing process, please contact us before submitting an application.
Extending Your Toy’s Warranty?
Enjoy your next adventure without the fear of costly breakdowns getting in the way.
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Where Does Your Adventure Begin?
We offer a variety of loan protection options designed for worry-free adventures.
In the unfortunate event of death, this ensures stronger financial security for you and your loved ones.
In the event of being diagnosed with a critical illness, this ‘Living Life’ benefit is designed to minimize and eliminate the financial strain of your loan.
Cover your monthly loan payments during the eligible period you are unable to work.
In the event of job loss, receive coverage for your monthly payments beyond additional insurance benefits.
Balance shortfall or gap insurance ensures that you are covered in the event of a shortfall between your loan balance and the value of your vehicle.